In Her Name is an online sanctuary and mystery school dedicated to the Divine Feminine in Her many names and forms. Within these pages you will have the opportunity to join with others in learning the mysteries of the Goddess, discover how She was honored in the past, and share how She is still celebrated to this day.
The aim of our Temple is to provide a variety of means to help deepen your personal connection with the Goddess. We invite you to learn more by exploring the sections below.
In this section, you will find our Temple of Learning: a correspondence school where you may study the mysteries of the Goddess in the comfort and privacy of your own home. A Dedicant program is also part of the curriculum for those who are called by Her to serve, such as being a Priestess and in other ways as well.
Explore the many names and places She was (and is) worshipped throughout the world, as well as reflect upon many ancient devotions which honor Her.
Connect with others who share a love of the Goddess through our links pages and discover our members who demonstrate Her compassion through volunteerism, as well as explore various Goddess news and articles of interest.
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