
In Her Name ~ Temple of Learning offers a range of correspondence courses in Earth-centered wisdom and Goddess mysteries: all provided for you to complete in the privacy of your own home.
We honor all pantheons and Deities equally here, and accept any tradition or religion you choose to follow while studying with us.
Whether you are just beginning to discover how the Goddess fits into your life, or already have a close relationship with Her, you are welcome here.
To learn more about our home-study school, please scroll down to read the introduction and then follow the links for more information.
(© Sarasvati, Goddess of Knowledge, Music & the Arts)
Our Temple of Learning is a mystery school, which consists of a series of spiritual programs to encourage exploration of the inner Self and deepening an individual's relationship with the Goddess. A program of study is also available for those who wish to fulfill a call from a specific Goddess by formally dedicating themselves to Her as a Priestess, or in any other manner that She inspires.
Courses are either downloadable directly from the Internet, or sent by postal mail. No travel is ever necessary. All courses may be completed on the student's own schedule, with no deadlines to meet. We also provide payment plans and scholarships.
Connia Silver is the founder and Director of Studies of our Temple. As a writer and educator, she has over 25 years of experience in supporting students in their own spiritual journeys and along the path of the Goddess. She is always available to our members and a personal advisor is also assigned to each one upon enrollment as well. All are experienced Priestesses and are provided as "guides on the side", there for support whenever needed. How much interaction you have with them is completely up to you and your needs at the moment.
We respect the privacy of our members, many of whom are solitary practitioners. Our Temple coursework provides an adaptable framework for students to achieve progress in their goals. All exercises and activities are entirely voluntary and are geared towards those who are self-motivated learners. Above all, our courses promote spiritual growth and personal independence. We celebrate each of our students' uniqueness and how they relate to the Goddess as individuals.
If you would like to expand your own relationship with the Goddess through a journey of self-discovery, you are invited to learn more about our modern-day mystery school by following the links below.